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By Markus Gritsch
Mikecay wrote:so use 255,255,255 but dim it to say 50%.Mike

And how is this in your imagination different from sending 128,128,128? Each WS2812B LED contains a controller which dims the LED's brighness (using PWM at about 400 Hz IIRC) to the values you sent them, so that you don't have to.
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By Mikecay
#11403 Hi Markus Gritsch ,

I'm new to RGB lights so maybe I'm overthinking this but I thought 128,128,128 gives a hex value of 808080 which is gray (according to an RGB color pallet). I wanted white light (255,255,255) but dimmed. But from what you're telling me, 128,128,128 is white but 50% intensity is that correct?

Thank you,

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By Markus Gritsch
#11408 Yes. Gray is white at alower intensity. Black is white at zero intensity. There is no such thing as "black on 100 % intensity" which you wrote in a previous posting. And this is not special to RGB LEDs -- it is the same for all additive color mixing, like done by the thing you are looking at to read this text.