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By devsaurus
Kasper Jepsen wrote:Could this library work with LUA?

Give https://github.com/devsaurus/nodemcu-fi ... dev-ucglib a try. It's kind of pre-release and ready for further testing.
Offers bindings for all functions and supports the 4WireHWSPI displays of ucglib:
  • ili9163_18x128x128
  • ili9341_18x240x320
  • pcf8833_16x132x132
  • seps225_16x128x128_univision
  • ssd1331_18x96x64_univision
  • ssd1351_18x128x128 and _ft
  • st7735_18x128x160
It's been tested so far on ILI9341 and ST7735 displays with a couple of the supplied example programs.
You need to compile the firmware yourself and I'd recommend to disable a bunch of modules to reduce the flash size.
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By spapadim
#28898 Hey, cool -- I'm doing sth similar for Arduino on ESP: https://github.com/spapadim/ucglib (warning: stuff committed is untested, just compiles)

Was wondering if you also had any issues with reading font data. My ILI9341 arrived yesterday from China, got most stuff to run easily (just a couple of yield()s to avoid WDT resets on long-running draw commands), except fonts. objdump shows correct data, but when the program runs, it reads seemingly random bytes out of those arrays. I noticed that you stripped out the linker subsection stuff, so I also temporarily tried using just "plain" uint8_t* for font data, but that did nothing either.

Any experience you can share would be appreciated -- thanks!

EDIT: Actually, nevermind, my bad -- it was the linker subsection stuff, my bad (talk about missing what's staring right at you, in objdump output the section name was right there -- I had forgotten to strip it from ucg.h as well). Still haven't solved it, but at least I know what I'm trying to fix.