Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By xtal
#30706 I personally prefer version 1, doesn't have all the confusing buttons, and seems to me that it operates a lot cleaner. Version 2 has rearranged and added more buttons, some good.
I think the button locations could be a bit better.

The compile [probably nodeMCU] for me sucks. I get not enough memory so I try to compile,,
and can't compile-not enough memory ...

Is there a Windows compiler that will compile the LUA. I tried some online compilers, but could not get them to work.....
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By 4refr0nt
ardhuru wrote:When you right click on a file in the file manager panel to edit a certain file, it opens as 'New' in the editor panel. Would it be possible to open it with its own name?

May be conflict with file, has some name on disk