Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By laurentp
#32065 Hi, nice work.
Great that You wrote this in Java.
Just a couple of ideas:

- controls (buttons, list elements) "will work in the future" - should be grayed? "present but not active",
- PRINTing possibility - with syntax highlight (of course), with/without line no's? I sometimes use Kdevelop just to obtain "good-looking" printout of C file,
- please remember, "some people" still use 1024x768 :),

And for Android:
- do You know Anyremote by Mikhail Fedotov?
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By 4refr0nt
alon24 wrote:I have asked before and did not get an answer:
Would it be possible to add a refresh button for com ports?

I sometimes switch devices, or not connect them before esplorer is up and it would be nice if I could reread which ports are open

Refresh button above port speed selector