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By scargill
#5706 EXCELLENT - it really IS Christmas!

4refr0nt wrote:New version v0.1 build 204 released.

ChangeLog for this version
    add «AutoReConnect» feature: after port open on 9600, you can easy change port speed to other baud rate without running snippet
    add new settings: max size for log and max size for terminal history for fixing «everything gets terrible slow» bug
    rearrange snippets buttons, add «Snippet Cancel Edit» button
    add snippets hotkeys: for snippet0 — Alt+BackQuote, snippet1 — Alt+1, snippet9 — Alt+9, snippet10 — Alt+0, snippet11 — Alt+Minus, snippet12 — Alt+Equals, snippet13 — Alt+BackSlash, snippet14 — Alt+BackSpace, snippet15 — no hotkey.

Full ChangeLog
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By gwizz
4refr0nt wrote:ESPlorer open source now :P

This is really great news! Wow - first nodemcu now this!

Merry new year to you too!

I sincerely believe that sharing code like this can be the first step to getting rewarded for it.

I hope you get as many rewards as you push builds - i.e. lots!! :D
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By Mike
#5919 Hello 4refr0nt,

thanks a lot for opening ESPlorer to the community. It is a great Project so far, i hope it will become even better in the future !

I tried to import the .zip from Github into Netbeans 8.02 .

Netbeans reportet 3 Problems:

    "JSSC" library could not be found

    "rsyntaxtextarea-2.5.4.jar" file/folder could not be found

    Invalid Java Platform

(last one may be because i am using openjdk)

Can you give me any hints where to find the missing Files ?

Best wishes,