Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By andrew melvin
#11873 This is most excellent! I love it!

New UI, with compile and binary send looks ace! well done!

Got a few requests...

1) Save as
2) Some form of project management.. so you can send multiple files / whole project to ESP at once. I've had some issues of corrupt FS.. had to node.format... then copy and compile multiple individual files...
3) be able to copy and paste into the single command line box
4) press enter to send commands from that single command box thingy...

only niggles though... this thing has saved me hours!

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By 4refr0nt
andrew melvin wrote:3) be able to copy and paste into the single command line box

For COPY&PASTE from/to single command line box you can use CTRL-C CTRL+V now

Another features will be work on future versions.
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By dannybloe
#11948 Is the compiling done before it is uploaded to the esp? I have some code that is too large to compile on the esp (gives a mem error) so it would be awesome if I can compile it upfront.

BTW, in the current version on the mac pasting text into the command field requires ctrl-v instead of cmd-v. Minor glitch.

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By 4refr0nt
dannybloe wrote:Is the compiling done before it is uploaded to the esp? I have some code that is too large to compile on the esp (gives a mem error) so it would be awesome if I can compile it upfront.

Sorry, not now, may be in future...