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By 4refr0nt
Stevenelson wrote:Can you add copy/paste to the "command to send" input box?

On Windows you can use CTRL+C - CTRL+V for copy and paste. For MAC(and any other) this feature will be in next release in popup menu.
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By LEDAero
#15265 On a Mac - Yosemite - clean build yesterday. All necessary addins and upgrades (JRE, etc.).

I can upload firmware to my NodeMCU dev Kit - ESP8266-12 - with no problem. I've tried leading edge, bleeding edge, tried and true - in both AT and NodeMCU/LUA variants. I've tried driver changes, reinstalled esptool, everything I can think of.

An immensely frustrating day.

With the latest stable NodeMCU firmware:

Trying to create files - init.lua.

I get an error right from the start.

My file is:“init.lua”,”w”)
file.writeline([[print(“WIFI control”)]])
— put module in AP mode
file.writeline([[print(“ESP8266 mode is: ” .. wifi.getmode())]])

The response from the interpreter is:

> file.remove("init.lua");
>"init.lua","w+"); I don't know where the '+' came from...
> w = file.writeline
> w([[“init.lua”,”w”)]]);
stdin:1: open a file first I thought I had
> w([[file.writeline([[print(“WIFI control”)]])]]);
stdin:1: nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '[' I have no idea what this is...
> w([[— put module in AP mode]]);
stdin:1: open a file first
> w([[file.writeline([[wifi.setmode(wifi.SOFTAP)]])]]);
stdin:1: nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '['
> w([[file.writeline([[print(“ESP8266 mode is: ” .. wifi.getmode())]])]]);
stdin:1: nesting of [[...]] is deprecated near '['
> w([[file.close()]]);
stdin:1: open a file first
> file.close();
> dofile("init.lua");
init.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '�'

It's like there is a timing problem. This is my first ESP8266 device, and one I can't find any other corresponding problems with. Changing firmware was straightforward. Using an AT firmware and changing modes, creating an AP, joining it, etc., were all faultless.

But when I go to NodeMCU firmware, I have all sorts of issues.
I replicated exactly what another user had done, the same release of firmware, the same steps in ESPlorer - his worked perfectly, mine doesn't.

Any ideas?