Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By tytower
#17941 I have seen in my short experience with this board(ESP12) that a constant blue light means the wiring is wrong . In particular I notice it must have good connections on the receive and transmit wires, then GPIO15 is pulled to ground and GPIO 0 ,CH_PD and Reset all at high.

When you load it move GPIO0 to ground and toggle power . Just one blue flash should be seen - program it and when finished put GPIO0 back to high and toggle power again.
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By Ersin D
#34716 I have same problem. I flashed esp-01 with nodemcu 512k latest.bin (it was successfully completed).
Than removed GPIO0 from GND ,restarted it. It started normally. I tried to connect to it with serial port. It seems connected, but there is no response (I tried all baudrates) . I tried many things, but couldn't achieve this situation.
What is wrong at this stiuation, it realy runs with nodemcu firmware ? :cry: