Tried 8 and 9 node builds from float with/without OW
issue 1> using older ESP8266 Flash Downloader appears to flash ok , but unit appears to hang in reset,reset,rest etc
issue 2> using NodeMCU Firmware Programer Flashes ok
loadinga working[0.9.6] lua pgm and dofile("xx.lua")
wifi gets an IP address xx.xx.xx.34
when connect to xx.xx.xx.34 connection appears to succeed, HOWEVER, nothing displayed.
print("wifi is loading")
print("please wait.")
print("please wait..")
print("loading" ..=wifi.sta.getip().." wifi info sent")
Then you can see if you are getting your IP or not... I had trouble trying to print it immediately after station it would just say 192. or 192.garbadgehere Its like you need a delay before you can print.
If this is what you are trying to do that is maybe I misunderstand a bit if I do just disregaurd this posting.
Where I buy my ESP8266 boards from... (Banggood)
sdk 1.4.0 only displays the 1st ver of 1.4 has an issue...