This is the code I'm trying to run on my ESP8266.
When I try to send packets outside the while loop, it works fine.
But the packets inside the loop are not being sent.
I know I'm supposed to use tmr.alarm() instead of tmr.delay(), but still not sure why and how.
Anyone has any tip on this issue?
-- Reading liquid flow rate using an ESP8266
-- Code adapted by Bernardo Rodrigues
--from PC Fan RPM code written by
count = 0
conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, false)
--count interrupts
function rpm()
count = count + 1
--enable interrupts
function enInt()
gpio.mode(6, gpio.INT)
gpio.trig(6, "up", rpm)
--disable interrupts
function disInt()
gpio.mode(6, gpio.INPUT)
consumption = 0
--infinite loop
while 1 do
count = 0 --Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
enInt() --Enable interrupts
tmr.delay(1000000) --Wait 1 second
disInt() --Disable interrupts
flux = (count * 60 / 7.5)
consumption = consumption + flux/36000
print(flux .. " L/hour")
print(consumption .. " L consumed\r\n")