- Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:02 pm
I do not use node 16 but I assume the underlying stack does the same functionality.
GPIO16 is an output I think, it drives the reset low to wake up the device. so you probably do not need it.
i have looked at the pulse from gpio16 at wake time and it is very short, a few uS only from memory.
but .. I think there is both software and hardware doing things at wake time, if you do not have gpio16 connected to rst then there is still output from the serial port when the timer expires.
perhaps if the timer is not expiring then the device goes straight back to sleep ? not sure.
what if you disconnect gpio16 and only use a short sleep then pulse the reset line as required ?
pretty sure RF_CAL will be slower than RF_DEFAULT. I use default and if problems connecting then sleep with rf_cal next time.