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By brig
zeroday wrote:to flash firmware other than 512k, chose flash size in Flash tool.

Thanks, it helped!

Another problem is that FLASH_DOWNLOAD_TOOLS can not write/erase area more 2M. Therefore for the firmware 4M-flash have to write twice blank.bin = 2M. Otherwise, the previously recorded user files are not erased.

I tested a firmware 4M-flash on the modified module. The result is similar to other firmware - the files are not recorded in the whole of the available area of flash memory: allows you to record a set of files with a total size of ~ 1720K ~ 1,68M.
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By alonewolfx2
#5984 I have CFEON F16-100HIP 16mbit spi flash. Can i use this with nodemcu?
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By brig
alonewolfx2 wrote:I have CFEON F16-100HIP 16mbit spi flash. Can i use this with nodemcu?

Probably not, because EN25F16-100HIP only works in a simple SPI mode. ESP8266 module for exchanging data with a flash memory (as W25Q40...W25Q128) uses Quad I/O.