I've ESP8266-07 with nodemcu-firmware-2.1.0-master_20170824 on it.
I would like to connect MAX31855 thermocouple and write lua script to read data form it by SPI.
Hardware connection is the same like this:
And my first script is very easy:
-- according to MAX31855 data sheet (https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/MAX31855.pdf )set up SPI
spi.setup(1, spi.MASTER, spi.CPOL_LOW, spi.CPHA_LOW, 32, 16, spi.HALFDUPLEX)
-- do transaction and read 32 bit from MAX
-- print 32 bits
...and I expect 32 bits of information from MAX. Instead I got:
What I did wrong?
Thank you very much for your help,
-- Roman