I am trying to install esp8266 platform support at board manager of Arduino 1.6.5 at Ubuntu 14.04 32Bit.
I am following the instruction enlisted at https://github.com/esp8266/arduino
After copying http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/packa ... index.json at Preferences window ,
then I go to board manager and I am trying to install esp8266 platform as suggested.
Here is the problem, it can not found the file esptool-0.4.5-linux32.tar.gz
from https://github.com/igrr/esptool-ck/rele ... x32.tar.gz
I checked also manually and it is sure that this file does not exist in that place. So the installation never completed and
I have not esp8266 platform available as expected.
Please give me a possible solution.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis