Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By xtal
#42460 Just loaded window 10 ,, Had driver issues with prolific , giving code 10
found google where using olded driver or earlier would fix.
found ,, now appeas to be working------not really
now getting cannot communicate with chip....
flashes ok ,, appears to lod files[lua] ok reset @ 9600 appears ok, run script can't communicate
arduino acts similiar flash appears ok,, sometime 74800 will detect
----This is just what I needed.................@)#@)&*$)&^)$&^ windows 10
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By xtal
#42503 loaded downlevel driver , but as soon as you plug in another usb, w10 loads uplevel
Tried 1 w10 workaround , but no work
Went back to W7 to ensure stuff still works,,,, will now try to build dual boot w7 / w10
to make it easier to work width