Chat here is you are connecting ESP-xx type modules to existing AVR based Arduino

Moderator: igrr

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By mhogan
#22804 I've got a web server running just fine on the v.9 board. But, when I try to run the same code on the v1.0 board it doesn't work. I'm using the Expressif SDK v1.1.1 which seems to flash with no errors. But, when I upload my web server (the example Web server that comes with the IDE) I get some weird characters in the serial monitor (normal) but the Code doesn't seem to run. Any suggestions?

Here's the board I can't seem to get to work.

It works when I flash it with the Lua-included SDK but I can't get my C code to run. There are no errors, it just doesn't work.
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By torntrousers
#22819 I don't have that newer NodeMCU board but from what i understand the newer board has different flash or something so you need to tell the Arduino IDE that for it to work. That wasn't in the earlier IDE releases but in the newer ones you should have menu option Tools -> Board -> NodeMCU 1.0. Do you see that and are you using it?
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By mhogan
#22849 Thanks for the reply. I managed to figure it out. In case anyone needs it, here's the link to the thread that explains it.

Editing boards.txt didn't work for me so I ended up adding a board definition using the boards manager. The board definition here worked like a charm.

I'm running v1.6.5 of the IDE and it didn't contain the nodeMCU defintions.
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By PeterSek
#23408 Brilliant, works OK
thanks for sharing

BTW I followed your option 2 ... CU-ESP8266

and added both xml to File->Boards->Preferences->additional boards manager ... index.json, ... index.json