1. I have a couple of adafruit Huzzah's and they work fine in arduino environment - I hit the gpio0 button, hit reset and the modules go into bootloader mode and I can download a new sketch .
2. I recently got a couple of these - http://www.banggood.com/NodeMcu-Lua-WIFI-Development-Board-For-ESP8266-Module-p-976440.html and last night tried one of them.
Firstly the only light that operates is a pretty blue one. Holding down the gpio0 button and hitting reset seems to do nothing - however.
I tried to download a sketch - downloaded fine, and ran (it binds to wifi and acts as a udp responder (uses mdnsresponder)).
I then made a little change and recompiled and downloaded - the module downloaded the new sketch with out needing buttons being pressed (acts just like a regular arduino in fact).
This module has (presumably) a ftdi/serial adapter on board - I just plug in usb cable. Would this be pulling 0 low automagically when I attempt to download a sketch?
ALl of this is good behaviour for me and the module appears to be very nice - it came with nodemcu on board - which worked however I wanted to overwrite which it did with no issues.