Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By canedje
Buggz wrote:Thanks for the quick response..

I'm working through the include files.. seems like my Adruino 1.6.5 IDE is a bit different. I know I've got a mixture of libraries and seem to be picking up the wrong ones ;-)

as for the Pi, I installed tornado and ran one of their examples (hello world), so OK so far there.


Eclipse is also using the Arduino 1.6.5 IDE as basic.
So there may be no differences.
I agree finding the right libraries is always difficult.
Especcialy the library for the OLED didn't work for me except the one I use now.

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By canedje
djadja9294 wrote:Hello canedje ,

Could you please tell me , how did you get all of the libraries on the ESP8266. I mean these ''.h'' included libraries on the ESP. Do they come with the NodeMCU, or you have to added manually after that ??

The most are the basic included libraries from the the standard Arduino IDE.
Some I added seperately.

Which ones do you want to know?
I can check the place to download and inform you over here.