Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By rudy
#46626 I have tried loading the HelloMesh sketch into a couple ESP-12. I added a blink to turn on an LED every time through loop() and they do flash, along with a println to each serial. I don't get any response other than what I have added. I get nothing to indicate any kind of connection or joining.

I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have both programmed with the same code. Should I be doing something else?
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By rudy
#46650 So it started to work. Barely. I finally got some serial output but it is very sporadic. For a while it wan't doing anything. Then it started but the response rate was about 1 in 7. I was able to add diagnostic code to one, requiring multiple restarts, and the connections continued. But once I restarted the other node it was like the connection was lost. After a while (like now) it started working again. (poorly)

So I will keep plugging away at this. I'm adding LCD routines so I don't have to be tied to a computer.