Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By jessecobern
#47898 I don't want to sound like a broken record, I posted this in another tread just a night or two ago but here it is again :(
Why is it that every sketch I find, I get it install it's libraries it won't compile, something always seems to be wrong, not in the scope, something won't named, I try with the newest version first, then try other versions.

Here is what I would like to come up with: (or as close as I can)
I already have a program that uses a Modbus master, It's part of the program. I'm wanting
to use(some what like HMI) It can Access them by serial port or TCP. (I'll share that
program if somebody is interested.) What I need is the best way to implement this on a
ESP8266-12E, It wouldn't need to use all the GPIO pins (it could if need-be) I do need
to be able to pick witch: in-put - out-put - coil - read write, so on......the reason
for that, Say I have 3 or 4 maybe more of these, doing different jobs, One would not
miss up the other one, they could all act together as one interface

what I'm working with is:
D1 ESP8266 Arduino NodeMCU Compatible
32bit 80MHz ARM WiFi Wireless ESP-12E
eBay item:131715570231 & USA seller - del. quick

Any help, links, pro-cons, anything. like to hear, why, yes, no - don't do it
tell me.... I need help, can you tell?
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By martinayotte
#47927 It is a bit difficult to give you help if you don't provide build log errors and explain what are your build settings.
Did you choose proper board type in the IDE ?
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By jessecobern
#48073 Here's what I say to the people out there that think I don't know what I'm doing...
You're right ..I already new that part. that's way I ask for help, So than I figured I needed to copy these errors and come up with more info & be able to tell exactly what I need, what I have, what I have done & what happen along the way.... So I went back to some of the gethub & googledocs
to get fresh downloads of Modbus sketch +libraries. When I went Andresarmento's github he posted a Modbus just for the ESP about 7 month ago it seems to working good. I keep everyone posted. Martinayotte thanks
for saying what it took to make me try harder. see bad words are not always bad.

if anyone is interrested
Andresarmento Place https://github.com/andresarmento/modbus-esp8266