Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By Chris Carter
#22972 Well I blew up a NodeMCU trying to get the wiring right, but now your code works like a charm on my old board! Thanks so much :) Now to pull it apart and make it do what I want it to do =D
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By Mario Mikočević
SwiCago wrote:Here is a working sample...The only thing I could not test is the actual ws2812 update, but the color from web and converting it to numbers that the NeoPixelBus understands works.


tried this code and it works nicely .. for awhile. After some time of, lets say inactivity from our side, esp8266 stops responding to http queries. Reapplying power restarts it and I can play with changing NeoPixel colors but after some time it 'hangs' again.
Anyone have a clue what is going on ?

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By Chris Carter
#23186 Do you get an error code over serial? I seem to be having the same thing, though I was putting it down to a dodgey wifi unit. Some theories from friends are that it's a power supply issue, I've tried putting a capacitor over the power rails but it didn't help.

Has anyone else tried this code? Would be good to know if it works on other peoples devices or not.
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By SwiCago
#23198 Comment out the Neopixel code. This will help determine if it is the webserver library or neopixelbus library. If it still hangs, then you can try disabling webserver and reenable neopixel and make it do things randomly, watch the serial see if it hangs again. If it does, it could be something even lower level. In which case just use a simple loop that does nothing but print the time and delay 100ms..if that hangs, then it is at the core of arduino and a bug must be posted. I personally never test any of the ESPs for longer than 10minutes. But I have not heard of anyone else having issues with webserver, hence my hunch on neopixel.

Can either of you say how long it takes till it hangs?