Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By erniberni
erniberni wrote:
but interestingly enough it finds a device under all adresses even with nothing connected to the IO pins

Same with my code.
I recorded the signals with a logic analyser and they don't look like i2c.

It is necessary to use pullup resistors on the SDA and SCL line. Now I see i2c signals.
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By Valhalla
#32705 Here's a link that explains how to setup Adafruit's ESP8266 Huzzah board to a standard HD44780 LCD via i2c (includes code). Hopefully it is of use to someone as it took me longer than I would have expected to put this together due to issues with the Arduino IDE libraries and inconsistent info I found across the cyber ether regarding initiating the i2c connection.
