Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

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By danbicks
#23346 willfly,

Got to say some of the nicest structured coding I have seen on this forum!. Superb work.

I have some I2c Oled SD1306, is the library you use compatible for this? Another question how did you build the drawLogo() function to convert an image in to string sets?

What does the #define CONFIG_VALID_NUM 4296 define?

How do I get this to display weather in my local town in England?

I am going to have loads of these scattered around the house, great use for the large stock of modules I have.

Cheers buddy very inspiring :)

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By ssylca
Stoney wrote:heres my display, lol.


I just looked at openweather for my closest station, gold coast, AU and last night it said it was 12C .. I am inland in horse country, it hit 2.9C last night.
It could be interesting logging the difference between predicted and actual for my region.

I had a quick look through your code, very neat !
again, nice job.

Hi Stoney,
Nice project for the ESP8266_01, could you publish the script and wiring for the 01?
Many thanks.
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By willfly
danbicks wrote:willfly,

Got to say some of the nicest structured coding I have seen on this forum!. Superb work.

I have some I2c Oled SD1306, is the library you use compatible for this? Another question how did you build the drawLogo() function to convert an image in to string sets?

What does the #define CONFIG_VALID_NUM 4296 define?

How do I get this to display weather in my local town in England?

I am going to have loads of these scattered around the house, great use for the large stock of modules I have.

Cheers buddy very inspiring :)


I am using ESP_SSD1306 library, and it should be able to handle I2C displays. Logo gets sent as an SVG image which is text. There are couple of online websites that convert an image to svg format.

EEPROM read will return whatever junk is stored in that memory location and coerce it to data type we ask for. So by reading a known memory location with a known value, we verify that data stored in flash memory is good to use.

To find out the city ID for your city, browse http://openweathermap.org/ and search for your city. London for e.g. is 2643743.

Glad to be able to help. I am reworking the 3D part and adding ventilation holes, since ESP tends to get hot inside. I will also change it from AP+STA mode to STA mode, so that ESP can make use of LIGHT_SLEEP_T and conserve some power. Its still a work in progress.
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By Stoney
ssylca wrote:
Stoney wrote:heres my display, lol.


I just looked at openweather for my closest station, gold coast, AU and last night it said it was 12C .. I am inland in horse country, it hit 2.9C last night.
It could be interesting logging the difference between predicted and actual for my region.

I had a quick look through your code, very neat !
again, nice job.

Hi Stoney,
Nice project for the ESP8266_01, could you publish the script and wiring for the 01?
Many thanks.

Not finished yet and I am not hijacking this thread, honestly after looking at the code here I would be embarrased lol, I'm a hack.
I added a BMP180 to mine friday and 3d printed a case but having issues with the heating from the esp01 warming the case and giving me readings 4c or so high, I will start a thread later.
looks like this now with indoor, outdoor, barometer and humidity. but I want a setup web page yet.