Then i've opened it with button#3;
The LED you can see flickers in ~30sek. and it is connected with PortB6 on the mcp23s17;
A big question:
How can I free "Globale Variablen dyn. Speicher" where the arrays i used reside?
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Moderator: igrr
Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI ucg(/*cd=*/ 15 , /*cs=*/ 4, /*reset=*/ 15); // *reset=rst
XPT2046 touch(/*cs=*/ 16, /*irq=*/ 0);
const int chipSelect = 5; // SD-card
the mcp23s17 is breaking out additional I/O pins
void timeout()
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