Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By schufti
#37870 As he is able to talk to his ESP-01 via terminal window I don't think that pullups are his wiring problem.

BUT I think he maybe has connected the ESP parallel to the UNOs Tx/Rx pins what won't work. The USB<>serial interface on the UNO can't connect to ATMega and ESP in parallel.

If he wants to use the ESP as WiFi module on the UNO AND see the UNO<-->ESP conversation in the terminal window, he has to connect the ESP via software serial to the UNO and adapt his sketch.
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By Joel
#38225 It's solved! But I'm very confused or stupid...

The pull-up didn't make any difference. But I noticed another thing, and this is where I get lost...
When I wrote this post the Arduino and ESP were connected like this:
As I said I was able to speak with it through Serial Monitor but it didn't respond to any sketches. Then I reverse it like this:
With this setup, I can't write with it in Serial Monitor but it does respond to sketches. I can see what the sketch writes in the Serial Monitor but I can't see the response from the ESP. But since "if(Serial.find("#")){}" works I take that as it works.