I've problems getting the OneWire library to work. I downloaded the 1.6.1 IDE windows from the github repo, erased the onewire folder in users\me\documents\arduino\libraries, and the new IDE is using the proper customized version of OneWire.h for esp8266, the one that was included in the esp8266 arduino IDE download.
Still, every example of onewire ds18x20 temperature readout I try, as well as every example of dallastemperaturecontrol.h, only gives a temperature reading of "0.0" or says "no more addresses"...
I have attached the ds18b20 to GPIO2, the data pin pulled to VCC via 4k7 resistor, and I am using esp-01 module...
Webserver example runs fine, just not the ds18b20 sensor.
I suspected a broken sensor, or faulty wiring, BUT with different firmware from here (and with identical hardware, wiring, same sensor), http://homes-smart.ru/index.php/oborudo ... arodmon-ru
the esp shows the device address and gives correct reading of the ds18b20, so it must be some software issue...
Any ideas? Has Anyone got ds18b20 working?