Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By canedje
#33155 I'm new in the nodeMCU arduino world.
I did install an Eclipse development system and that is up and running.
I did write some sketches and flashed them into the ESP it all works fine.
I did connect a DHT22 sensor, read the values, and connect the ESP to my local WiFinetwork.
This all succeeded.

My Question:
I'm looking for some example sketches for the next step setting up a connection between my Raspberry and ESP-E12 reading/ sending my values from the DHT22 readed by theESP to my Raspberry.
I know there are UDP, TCP, webserver/client or socket way off connections. I do not know how to set up. I only need a start example sketch how to begin to arrange this type of connection and reading/ sending data
Can some help me starting?