using your exact sketch it still doesn't work. I still only get the point of writing the flash
Uploading 30160 bytes from ~/Desktop/esp_blink.bin to flash at 0x00000000
erasing flash
espcomm_cmd: sending command header
espcomm_cmd: sending command payload
setting timeout 5000
setting character timeout 50
setting timeout 1
setting character timeout 1
espcomm cmd: receiving 2 bytes of data
writing flash
I can get it to work by using the python version of from the command line like this.
./ --baud 115200 --port /dev/cu.usbmodem142141 write_flash 0x00000 ~/Desktop/esp_blink.bin
that successfully uploads the sketch through the 32u4 to the ESP8266.
Maybe I will try though an ATmega and see if that is any different for some reason.