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Moderator: igrr

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By Makuna
#15957 I want to create a library that will work across platforms, but will have nuances per platform. This is common in many existing libraries.

__MK20DX128__// Teensy 3.0
__MK20DX256__ // Teensy 3.1

But what is the define I should be using for esp8266?
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By igrr
#15961 if you enable verbose compiler output in the ide you'll see all the defines that are passed to the compiler (platform specific as well as board specific), ESP8266 is one of them.
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By Makuna
igrr wrote:if you enable verbose compiler output in the ide you'll see all the defines that are passed to the compiler (platform specific as well as board specific), ESP8266 is one of them.

Thanks, but will this define be supported going forward for this use?