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By martinayotte
#26883 You're welcome, eldonb46 !

eldonb46 wrote:- Install and Check for the current "~/.arduino/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/<file>", which is installed via IDE Tools -> Board: -> Boards Manager...

As some other people faced, don't really blindly at the BoardManager if doing upgrades. Sometimes (or probably all the time), it won't uninstall previous versions, and in the path mentioned above, you can end up with several versions. Simply delete old ones.
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By martinayotte
#26909 The speed issue was discussed, but I've never been able to reproduce.
Finally, EldonB46 figured out that he had an old version of ArduinoIDE core files laying around.
After clean install, he has retested his sketch and concluded like I did :
No performance penalty between send(), sendContent() or client.print().