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By rodmcm
#50337 If I use
char Ssid[ ] = "mySSID";
char Password[ ] = "mypassword";
WiFi.begin (Ssid,Password);

I get a reliable connection

If I assign set up variables char Ssid[20 ]; and char Password [20 ]; and populate them with the same Ssid and Password names via, then I cannot get a connection even though the remaining characters in the arrays are Null, as would be expected with the end of a string.

I have tried making sure both arrays have values in them before enabling WIFI.begin... No luck either

Any thoughts or has anyone done this. What I am doing is Using a Nextion for the user to enter their SSID and password and return to them the IP address as connected.
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By martinayotte
#50342 I can't believe that both behaviours are not the same, simply because in WiFi.begin() both SSID and Password are copied using strcpy() into station_config structure.

It must be some stupid mistake in your code, such as you are not removing "\r\n" from Serial input.