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Moderator: igrr

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By mrburnette
#51180 Heating up (lots) and unstable operation is simply not good and indicates an over-voltage (hence, greater current draw) than is healthy! Somewhere you are drawing too much current through the device ... either the onboard 3.3V regulator is not working correctly (check between Gnd and one of the 3V pins on the right/left side of the V3 with a DVM.) Other issue(s) could be driving something without a proper load resistor (such as a LED) or connecting to a device that uses 5V without using a level-shifter!

I suggest you disconnect everything and allow the ESP8266 to cool. Then run some simple tests to verify it is OK. Then look over your connections very carefully.

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By ShantanuJ
#51252 If I connect 2 NodeMcu v3s together and want to establish communication between them, I will do it using digitalWrite. And the connections between the two will be as follows

Module1 Module2


Also, will I require 3.3V regulator? I am not sure if the ouput of RX and TX pins of the NodeMcu 12e is 5V or 3.3V.
I have been told that the RX of the module requires a 3.3V regulator. Correct?

Also, If I use SoftwareSerial and define 2 other pins as Rx and Tx, will they output 5V or 3.3V? So that accordingly I will put up a regulator at the circuit
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By martinayotte
#51261 There are no case were serial lines are hooked up with a voltage regulator, you are confusing with voltage level-shifters used only when hooking up an Arduino AVR which has 5V TX.
Hooking up two ESP together, all signals are 3V, therefore there are no needs for level-shifters.