mrburnette wrote:... can you ping the ESP8266 at the DHCP address?
If I run the ESP8266 in STD-mode, I cannot ping it on the DHCP address my router has assigned for it, but if I run the ESP8266 in AP-mode, I can ping it on the DHCP address if I connect my computer to the ESP8266 AP.
mrburnette wrote:... Your ESP8266 webserver is going to need to be set to a subnet address within the home AP subnet scope but not one that will be used by DHCP... in other words, you are going to have to limit the DHCP assignment scope to allow for a band of static assigned addresses ... then assign your webserver to one of those manual assignable addresses.
I have setup my router up to assign DHCP addresses in the range to To be sure that the ESP8266 always has the same address I have reserved the address for it in the routers DHCP setup.
If I understand you correctly, I should use a static IP address outside the DHCP range - for instance for the EPS8266.
I have tried this my adding the code:
IPAddress ip(192,168,15,150);
IPAddress gateway(192,168,15,1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet);
but I cannot ping
Maybe I did not understand your suggestion correctly...?