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By martinayotte
#34905 digitalRead() is known to be slow on AVR, but for ESP there is probably not much differences.
Looking at implementation of digitalRead in cores/esp8266/core_esp8266_wiring_digital.c, yes, it use the GPIP() macro defined in cores/esp8266/esp8266_peri.h
So, I'm not sure why your code doesn't enter in the if statement.
Do you have a pullup resistor on the input, because maybe the RF433 output is open-drain ?
Did you try with a simple switch to figure out ?
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By kriss_fr
#34946 OMG ! I'm sooo sorry ! :oops:

You're right ! it was an hardware issue !

As the ESP8266 don't deal with 5v signal, i used a voltage divider bridge. But this voltage divided made a pull-down but on the program i have the PullUp On on the DataPin; so it was a big mess :?

Finally, i remove the voltage divider and the ESP8266 display to me the RF signal. :)
Actually i use the GPIP() function, but i will try with the standard DigitalRead() function.

Thanks again Martinayotte for your advices, and sorry again :oops: