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By broots
#56071 I've been working on a WiFi camera remote array that runs on ESP8266 modules and builds on the full remote by Katsuya San over on Github ( The initial idea was to connect three ESP modules (using NodeMCU 1.0's) each to a different camera/network and synchronize camera settings between the modules over I2C. One as the master with a I2C OLED display and 5-way GPIO joystick and the other two as slaves. After banging my head on a wall for a while before learning that I2C slave mode is not currently supported in the Arduino port I'm wondering what the other options are?

Serial and SPI both seems possible but before I choose a path to go down any advice will be appreciated! There are about fifteen variables I'd like to synchronize and was attempting to do this with an array over I2C.

It sounds like there could also be an I2C slave mode coming from Rudi over on the Espressif forums ( so is that worth waiting for?
