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By mutthunaveen
#65023 i need to save time in each time connecting to my website and get data.

Here is what i do.

esp module connects to a home wifi.
1 - AT+CIPMUX=0 --> response OK
2 - AT+CWMODE=1 --> response OK

3 - AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",80 --> response connected OK

4 - AT+CIPSEND=75 --> response --> >waiting for data to GET or POST

5 - >GET HTTP/1.0 /r/n/r/n/r/n

send OK.
response 200 and receives all bytes from my website
and finally
connection CLOSED.

repeating steps 3, 4 and 5 i can successfully GET data from my website number of times.
and everytime end of step 5 the module says -> connection CLOSED.

what i need is not to CLOSE the connection each time.
Establishing connection each time consumes time and to re-establish i need to start from step 3 (AT+CIPSTART).

instead is there any possible way (any AT command) to stay connected to my site
And just with one line of AT command which can quickly get data from my website. so that the refresh rate of my code will increase?

thank you for your help