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By piersfinlayson
#61835 You can certainly retry, but I suspect something is wrong - I've never seen 31 returned. Is it somehow possible that you're disconnected at the time you're querying (and then reconnecting when sending the value)?
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By tomte76
#61927 It is possible that it loses connectivity as -70 or less is quite low. If I put the sensor in another place having a better RSSI it fails seldom. I also thought about the ADC read as an issue. I think I read something about reading the ADC interfere with wifi connection. Also I observed that the successful read RSSI sometimes is around -70 and sometimes around -34. So maybe the module flaps between to accesspoints. I'll keep investigating the upcoming weekend. Thank you for your input.
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By wim3d
#69475 I made a set-up in which a ESP-01S module measures temperature via a 18D20, and uploads the temperature, voltage level en RSSI to thingspeak and then goes into deep sleep for 2 minutes.
This works great, however the first RSSI measurement after reset is 31 (the error value). Since it uploads this value, it is connected to my AP. The RSSI measurement is the last measurement made.
Do you have a suggestions what is the cause?