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By nate123456
#73023 Hello,

I am currently running into an issue where i cannot get my NodeMCU board to interact with nearby networks. I cannot connect to my network via an example sketch in the Arduino IDE by passing in my SSID and password, and when I try an example sketch for scanning for nearby networks, I cannot locate any, despite there being several.

I have two of these boards and both of them exhibit the same behavior, so I'm thinking it's not a hardware issue, as it would be pretty unlikely that both boards have the same problem.

I ensured that my router was broadcasting my wifi network @ 2.4GHz and that the SSID was being broadcast (as opposed to hidden). Other wireless devices can connect without an issue.

I can run other programs fine, such as a blink example sketch. I do have an issue where serial output is garbled, unless I set serial.begin(74880) and the serial monitor to 115200. This issue happens on both boards. I imagine that this issue is not relevant, but since I'm not an expert, I felt it was worth including.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why I'm having trouble?

Thank you.
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By mrburnette
#73046 Nate:

I use the inexpensive Chinese NodeMCU boards, Lolin brand. I have not had any issues. I have a few sketches you are welcome to try that I can guarantee work with the Lolin.

This one however is probably the easiest to try as it listens to everything:

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By nate123456
#73060 Thanks for the suggestion Ray.

I was hoping it was something I was doing wrong in terms of the code or perhaps a firmware issue, but I think you're right, I should probably try a different brand.

I'll look into that one that you suggested.

Thanks for your input.