With my ESP8266 module I managed to control the pin 2 of it through a rudimental website .
My question is how can I make the out pin 3 of the ESP8266 as well to do the same. In other words how can I add an available output through my code so that I have two available outputs and control them through my website. I post my code to tell what should I change in order for that to happen.
Also what should amend to my code in order for the output 2 to be high as long as the button on the website is still pressed and not to be high when it is pressed once as it's now. If that it´s not the right group to post that kind of questions can you tell me please which is it ?
Thank you very much in advance
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <aREST.h>
#include <aREST_UI.h>
// Create aREST instance
aREST_UI myRest = aREST_UI();
// WiFi parameters
const char* ssid = "TALKTALK580421";
const char* password = "W6D7JJ3U" ;
// The port to listen for incoming TCP connections
#define LISTEN_PORT 80
// Create an instance of the server
WiFiServer server(LISTEN_PORT);
void setup(void)
// Start Serial for debugging
// Create a title for our webpage
myRest.title("LED Control");
// Create button to control pin 2
// Give name and ID to device
// Connect to the network and start the server
void loop() {
restLoop(); //automatically handle the aRest functionality
boolean restLoop(){
WiFiClient client = server.available();
if (!client) { //check to see if the client is connected or not and return if not connected
return false;
while(!client.available()){ //wait for input from the client - note that this is a blocking operation
myRest.handle(client); //handle any requests from the client
return true; //and return
void connectWifi(){
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
//Start the wifi subsystem
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//wait for connection
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
//print connection IP upon success
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.println("IP address: ");
// Start the server
Serial.println("Server started");