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By nicntj
#77714 Hello!

I'm working with theatrical equipment that uses sACN (E1.31) to send data to lighting equipment. This sends the data to all the devices onto the network. I would like to use the ESP8266 and connect it to the network to read the sACN data. Right now I have it working in Unicast sending the data directly to the IP of the ESP8266 but other equipment that I have doesn't support Unicast and only supports Multicast. I've tried playing with WiFiUdp and ESPAsyncUDP without luck for Multicast connectivity.

Anyone know any other libraries or have any tricks to get the ones I mentioned working in Multicast?

Thank you so much!
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By nicntj
Barnabybear wrote:Hi, this works a treat
The biggest problem I've had is the network messing with multicast packets - not sending or swapping them to unicast. Have a play and let me know if you need any help.

EDIT: ESP8266_Test.ino has the multicast support.

Thanks! I've looked at this before as well and I ran into a bunch of issues BUT quickly after posting this question I was able to get it to work how I intended originally!