This is what I'm trying:
The string:
const char Options[] PROGMEM = "<div><input type='radio' id='{i}' name='{n}' value='1' {r1}><label for='nu1'><span><span></span></span>Option 1</label><input type='radio' id='{i}' name='{n}' value='2' {r2}><label for='nu1'><span><span></span></span>Option 2</label><input type='radio' id='{i}' name='{n}' value='3' {r3}><label for='nu1'><span><span></span></span>Option 3</label></div>";
And I need to call this function with that string:
AddParameter(const char *id, const char *custom, uint8_t defaultValue);
If I do:
AddParameter RadioOptions("nu1", FPSTR(Options), 1);
The compiler complains:
no matching function for call to 'AddParameter::AddParameter(const char [4], const __FlashStringHelper*, int)'
So how can I properly move that long string to flash and call the function with the string? This is giving me a headache, tried many things but can't make the compiler happy