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By RIN67630
#87465 Hi,
I have at home 3 ESP8266 (one Wemos D1, and two identical Wemos NodeMCU 1.0) which all run the same sketch. They work OK so far.
One of the Wemos NodeMCU 1.0 is additionally broadcasting an Open SSID, that is definitively not part of the uploaded sketch.
How can I get rid of that, using the Arduino IDE?
Thank you for an advice...
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By RIN67630
#87477 Thank you, that worked.
I was not aware that AP mode settings will survive a reset and keep in force until waived by another command.
I really had nothing to activate an AP mode in my sketch, but may have tried some other skteches on that device a few weeks ago.
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By QuickFix
#87488 If I'm not mistaken, by default AP mode is enabled in the original AT-commmand firmware when an ESP comes from the factory.

The ESP actually has two code "Threads" running: the WiFi core and the firmware you put into it (for instance made with Arduino); the latter one talks (instructs and listens) to the former core.
If the WiFi core is still in AP mode, it will behave like this until it's told otherwise.

Having two cores is also the reason why you have to prevent tight loops in your code by inserting a delay() or a yield() into (some) loops to let the WiFi core breathe, otherwise you will get watchdog resets.