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By CentinelX
#90427 Hi all,

I badly need your help.
I have a PIR sensor setup. It works fine without the DW06D LiPo battery protection IC.

Yesterday I added the battery protection IC (instead of just bypassing it) since the DW06D took some time to ship. This is U1 in my schematic.
The moment I inserted the 18650 battery, the LDO started emitting smoke and burnt.

I then made a small board to test the DW06D, everything worked as expected and combined with the same LDO, MCP1700, it was outputting 3.3V.

I thought that I probably shorted something when I soldered it onto my PIR board. So I soldered it again, and inserted the battery, everything went fine. I just had to clean up some solder point, so I removed the battery, and reinserted it a few minutes later, and AGAIN the MCP1700 burnt!

I don't understand what is going on. Why is the DW06D in place burning my MCP1700 on my board! Please help!
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By RichardS
#90450 DW06 seems to be doing nothing..

Can you verify VBAT is nothing more than 4.2V??
