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By mwyld
#37916 Hi, I'm a ESP8266 newbie and looking for some help on getting started. I have the following set up:


I have installed esp boards via the Boards Manager and using board 'NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)' after uploading I get the following output:

Sketch uses 198,612 bytes (19%) of program storage space. Maximum is 1,044,464 bytes.
Global variables use 33,014 bytes (40%) of dynamic memory, leaving 48,906 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 81,920 bytes.
warning: espcomm_sync failed
error: espcomm_open failed

What does this mean? Also on the ESP-12-Q board it appears where the CH_PD has EN instead but I pressume these are the same.

Many thanks
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By martinayotte
#37988 The 3.3V output of the Arduino board can NOT provide enough current for the ESP consumption, you need to use a voltage regulator such as AMS1117 or any other 3.3V power supply capable to deliver at least 300mA.
Also plugging Arduino TX directly to ESP RX can damage your module, you need to use a voltage translator or at least of voltage divider made with 2 resistors.
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By mwyld
#37990 Ok thanks martinayotte, I will try the seperate power supply, I've got the parts on order.

Is there a specific type of voltage translator to use for the TX and RX?

Also is it correct that TX on the ESP goes to TX on the ardunio and RX on the ESP goes to RX on the ardunio?

Worcestershire, UK