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By Thanatos
#41497 Hello

I have two ESP8266 modules (the black version with 1M flash). I have (after looking for days) finally been able to upload a firmware that seems to work (I tried at least 3 tools and 5 versions) but all give the same result on only ONE of the two modules.
My first module acts as a server and works just fine.
My second module, when uploading the code, I get following error:
Code: Select all6
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42
Fatal exception (0):
epc1=0x40210548, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000

The last two lines are repeated on and on and on very fast (it seems like it shows up with every loop the module does).
From then on, the onboard blue LED stays on (doesn't flicker, just stays on).

The code itself can't be the problem since I can't even upload a Blink script.

Does anyone know what could be the problem?
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By schufti
#41586 How many singns vor a defective module do you need?
I dare say there is no such thing as quality check on "el cheapo" parts like ghe esp-01 and someone has to get the lemon.
You could try to completely erase the flash (see options of your preferred flashing tool) and try flashing a sketch afterwards.
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By Thanatos
#41587 Thanks for your answer! Basically you're saying it is broken and that my module is of cheap quality?
I bought it on ebay. I have no clue where to look and what "good" and "bad" ones are.
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By schufti
#41601 I am implying that it might be misconfigured as well as broken.
And spending more than 30min on solving the issue on an 2$ (incl shipping!) part is .... hobby.
Its is the same consideration on the manufcturers side ....