- Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:35 pm
The big issue you're probably encountering is you need to give the ESP enough time to do its wifi business between loops. The easiest way to do this is to add some short delays to your program.
Sadly I don't have a have a solid number of how long you need to delay in order to handle the wifi. I know 100ms works fine (I'm guessing 50 or even 20ms would probably do and not mess up your animations too badly but I don't know for sure if that's long enough for the ESP).
In theory it should do this automatically between iterations of your loop(), but I've found if you don't add at least some delay with the delay() command it doesn't spend enough time handling the wifi and just stops serving pages properly.
Anyone have any more solid numbers or thoughts on this? (I'm rather curious as well)
The Wipboy Project! a fully interactive Open Source Pip-Boy clone made from an ESP and $10 of parts