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By frischevollmilch
#42863 Hello,

I am trying to get GPIO0 to work as an OUTPUT for 2 hours now. I am using an ESP-01 and I know that GPIO0 is pulled up to Vcc. So when I connect an LED from Vcc (+) to GPIO0 (-) it doesn't light up for some reason. I also measured the GPIO0 voltage when it should be 0 but it stays at 3.3V no matter what I do.
I tried it with the most basic code you could think of:
Code: Select allvoid setup() {
  pinMode(0, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(0, 0);

GPIO0 stays at 3.3V at all times.
I connected Vcc, CH_PD and RST directly to Vcc and GND to GND. I tried leaving Rx and Tx connected to my USB adapter and also disonnected. Same result.
What is going on here? Thanks!
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By martinayotte
#42872 I must admit that I've never used GPIO0 to drive LED directly, but I'm using both GPIO2/GPIO0 as I2C bus in all my projects, so making GPIO0 as Output is working for sure !
Maybe you will need to check again your wiring and find the mystery there ...