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By Phil colbert
#44960 Hi

Cant find anything on this online but there seems to be a problem with the speed of the new binary arriving or something like that ?

If I update on a local server in my network, it works perfectly, if I move the binary to a server on the web then it fails with Update.writeStream .

Is there anyway to cache the file first or something, any ideas ?

Thanks !
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By danbicks
#44980 Hi Phil,

What software versions are you using?
I am trying desperately hard at the moment to get the ArduinoOta library working. I have 1.6.7 IDE stable build 2.0.0 communication is established but serial monitor using terminal program always times out when transfer starts. NodeMCU version 3

Banging my head against a wall.

Any pointers would be great.


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By Phil colbert
#44991 2.0.0 at the moment, they removed variable serial buffer size in 2.1 so I cant use that , annoying to remove a feature :(

Just use the ESPhttpUpdate.update(host , port, url );

this does work everytime on a local IP, but if its remote , it fails :(