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By Solexious
#46834 Hello all,

I'm looking to add OTA updates to my project. As part of their debut, my modules will be attached to a network that gives out internet facing ip addresses, along with the wifi being open access for attendees. I'm about to start work on adding a page for tweaking settings remotely and will be adding a password check to it. Is it possible to do the same for the ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer page to stop unwanted re-flashes from curious people on the network? I see there is a way to do this via the arduinoOTA though the ide, but this will be a PITA to use at the event, so would much rather use the web form or something I can do via the command line that offers password protection.


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By coldpenguin
#47387 The instructions I read for the Arduino IDE suggest turning on the compile and flash verbose modes when using the ESP8266.

If you do this (at least on my Windows machine, I wouldn't expect them to have diverged for Linux), you will see that the IDE itself is not doing anything special, it is calling the program esptool, which has a password argument, to send the file to the ESP. I copy and paste this command into a command line box I can run the command manually to flash the chip.
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By Solexious
#47417 Thats not actually what I was asking about, I was asking how to turn on password authentication via ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer, you have told me how to send it to the esp with a password, thats the 1/2 I don't need :)