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By rudy
#76772 Microcontrollers typically have a pull-up resistance between 50K and 100K. This is considered weak. It is okay for keeping unconnected pins at a stable logic level. They are also useful to pull up some local circuits but this needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

The ESP8266 has poor documentation and I didn't expect to find the specification for it. The ESP32 has a specified pull-up/down resistance of 45K.

A strong pull-up is relative thing. I often will use 1K or less when I need a strong pull-up. Like if there will be a lengthy cable run or to a higher current switch contacts. I have used 12 volts as the pull up voltage with a 470 Ohm resistor for pull-up. (with a high value series current limiting resistance at the port pin)
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By Erik84750
#76793 Hi, I checked again, with another brand new ESP8266-12F, this time using following manual programming procedure: at power up tie GPIO0 to GND, then remove GND connection (release to floating state), and download program. Then restart with GPIO0 connected with 3k3 (instead of 10k) to +3.3V. The output remains low!

So no oscillations, (as I had with a 10k pullup), but no reaction at all.


1. 10k pullup causes oscillations when output is supposed to be low

2. 3.3k pullup does not change the output state to anything but low

I am lost now.
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By McChubby007
#76796 If you look at the attachment I posted (which doesn't have reset wiring), it shows usage of all pins (including GPIO 0) as output. In the case of GPIO 0 it is used as a current sink - I have some notes knocking about and I know that some of the pins can only be used certain 'ways round'. Perhaps GPIO 0 needs setup like that. I will see if I can find the old notes.

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By McChubby007
#76797 Found it : I wrote this as a note to myself 2 years ago :

GPIO 0 i/o : can be used as an input, however it is also used for flash selection on power up (0v = flash), and is driven high by default on the internal circuitary. pinMode(INPUT), dont use INPUT_PULLUP. Because of boot/flash reqs of internal circuitary, an output must be driven by setting LOW, and the external device must be connected between GPIO0 and +Vcc.

### HOWEVER: I have tried using it as CE o/p pin for 5110 LCD and it works fine, no special wiring!